Exercise for older adults is important because it benefits every area of your life.

Exercise helps you:

  • Maintain and improve physical strength

  • Stay independent as you age

  • Manage and prevent some diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, breast and colon cancer

  • Reduce feelings of depression and improve your mood and overall well-being

  • Improve your balance, which is important in preventing falls

Best of all, we come to you!

 Winston Well-Being is ready to come to your home, your community center, your favorite public park or any other safe, appropriate place in the Winston Salem area. In-home training and assisted stretching are the perfect option for those who prefer the privacy of their own home. This also works well for a group of neighbors to train together. Community centers, churches and residential  community clubhouses are convenient locations for their residents and members to organize and participate in small group training. Outdoor public spaces are great locations for groups of all types to meet and train. We will work with you to find the perfect space for you or your small group. 

Our Mature Focus

Our trainers are certified Functional Aging Specialists with the Functional Aging Institute (FAI), the leader in functional training for the active ager. Through the FAI we are on the cutting edge of helping people age on their own terms. That means that we use strategies backed by science to design our fitness programs. The goal is to tailor our training to the client’s specific needs and desired outcomes. What do you want to be able to do? Do you want to continue to work, volunteer, garden or take a long walk? Maybe you are concerned about falling and want to do all you can to avoid the short and long term consequences of a fall injury. Some active clients want to bicycle, backpack, hike, paddle or even water ski. Tennis, golf, pickelball or other competitive sports may be your passion. Do you limit your life because of your physical limitations? At Winston Well-Being we want to help you do the things you love.

In addition to maintaining your lifestyle, regular exercise has many benefits for the mature adult. We lose muscle mass each year starting at about age 40. Our reflexes slow as we age. We begin to see changes in our vision, balance and stamina. This leads to difficulty performing daily tasks and pursuing our passions. The correct types of regular exercise can help reverse this muscle loss and lessens the effects brought on by aging. The increased strength not only allows us to do the things we love but also reduces our likelihood of injury. The increased flexibility from regular stretching allows us to enjoy more activities and reduce the chances of a fall or a muscle injury. When fitness activities are designed to challenge us cognitively in addition to physically the results can be far reaching. The right kind of activities work to make the mind sharper. As processing improves so do reaction time and decision making. As cardiovascular endurance improves we are able to do more and do it better. The benefits of the right types of regular fitness activities can change the way you live your golden years. Call us 336 995-6910 to begin your journey to living your best life.