Functional Assessment & Training

Get Ready for the Best Years of Your Life

At Winston Well-Being we are experts on aging and functional fitness. We are certified Functional Aging Specialists through the Functional Aging Institute. We are also are certified as Functional Aging Group Exercise Specialists through FAI. We are always learning. Winston Well-Being continually seeks out scientifically-based, proven methodologies to improve its training methods.

The well-being of an individual is determined in part by how their physical abilities match up with what they want to do with their lives. Being able to do the things that give you joy is part of living your best life. We want to know what gives you joy, what activities you struggle with and what concerns you have about your functional ability. By understanding your desires, your struggles and your fears we can better tailor a program to help you reach your goals. 

Do you want to be able to garden, jog, hike, paddle, cycle, backpack or even water ski? 

Do want to continue working or volunteering? 

Do you struggle with daily activities such as carrying groceries, climbing stairs or household chores? 

Is it hard to keep up with the grandkids? 

Are you concerned about the consequences of a fall? 

Are you afraid that you won’t be able to continue to live independently? 

We want to help you meet your functional needs and desires. Call us today at (336) 995-6910 to get started today!

Safe Training for Your Skill Levels

At Winston Well-Being we want to make sure the training and activities we create for our clients are appropriate for their skill level and most of all safe for them to perform. We do this by proper assessment and program design.  All new clients will complete The Health and Functional Fitness Assessment. This is the health history and physical ability information we need to address the effects of medications and chronic conditions on your training program.

 There are several formal assessments we utilize depending on the individual. These assessments are widely used and have reliable, proven data to use to interpret the results. This allows us to tailor training to the client’s needs and skill level. The assessments include:

The Senior Fitness Test Battery

Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction in Balance

The Berg Balance Test

Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale

Posture and Body Alignment Analysis

We use the Fallproof balance program to assess our client’s balance capabilities and develop effective training programs.

Once we determined the client’s current performance levels we create a functional training program to get them from where they are to where they want to be. Our training is designed to address all dimensions of function.